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What we’re about

We are the Rainbow Special Interest Group (SIG)--Members of Mensa and SIG Affiliates. We are 45 years old. We offer friendship, purpose and identity to anyone who wants to 1. form enriching relationships, 2. strategically contribute to the Rainbow community and 3. embrace their identity, including their intellectual capabilities.

We believe that we can help the world's most vulnerable LGBTQ persons by supporting the Rainbow Railroad. The Rainbow Railroad relocates LGBTQ persons who are subject to persecution in their homelands. We believe modern-day LGBTQ activism consists of forming the best damn relationships you can with a partner or spouse, with other family members and friends and with your community. We encourage you to embrace your identity including your intellectual abilities and other talents.

We host dinners and potlucks, visit museums, hold occasional trivia contests, go boating and partiicipate in many of the activities of Chicago Area Mensa and American Mensa, Ltd, including regional and national conventions--the latter of which are open to the public.