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What we’re about

Let's build our own little community of People sharing the same interest who don't just want to Draw people and go, but socialize amongst Artists and enthusiasts and make things happen like exhibiting, traveling, sharing...
We go to different classes/events in London that are easy to Draw and catch up.
Events we go to aren't just Life Drawing, it can be other associated Arts from Art Galleries, Art walks, Mega Art events, Arty Hiking, reference photo shoots...
Meeting Online is also an option for those who are slightly busy or far from transports.
At the moment we have connections with Oxford Circus and Finsbury Park classes that we'll help promote but we don't run them on a permanent basis. Maybe you could run one of yours sometime, somewhere.
To help us connect at weekends i'll be doing Drawing events in the Parks so we can save our £s for going to other classes. In the Park we may also not just Draw but share fun times with games, sports, picnic, practice languages...
We also have a new trick under our sleeves to help us draw more people, network Online, Draw more different characters in a multitude of situations as an extra possibility.
Those Classes aren't Free but we'll enjoy them twice more together...and the more of us the more we'll enjoy a creative happy life together...
All are welcome no matter their wealth, health, race, religion, age, orientation or skills level as long as you are 18+, like for joining and have the same level of tolerance.

Upcoming events (4+)

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