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What we’re about

"The biggest regret of a dying person is not having done enough with life" - Bronnie Ware

Research suggests you are more likely to meet your goals and stay inspired if you are surrounded by people who are also motivated.

This group is for anyone who wants to do more with their life, be surrounded by fun, likeminded, motivated individuals, increase confidence and learn new things. 

We'll meet up every 2 weeks over a coffee/tea. A new topic will be set every meet up designed by LifeStamp and focused on giving you tools and creating inspiring discussions.

A qualified personal development trainer from LifeStamp will be present to facilitate every meet up, helping you get the most of out it.

I know.....sounds perfect :)

Look forward to meet you!

(P.S. in order to be part of this community please fill out the questions in full in order to be approved)