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Can you do some emergency Wedding Photography TODAY????

From: Kevin B
Sent on: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 11:14 AM
Groom's sister cannot shoot his wedding reception TODAY
because she's suddenly on bed rest with her pregnancy!

WHAT: Garden Wedding Reception in PALOS VERDES (wedding ceremony was yesterday)

PHOTOS: Lots of candid photos of couple, wedding party, and guests.? MAYBE some posed wedding party and family portraits

WHEN:? TODAY (Saturday, 8/7/10) from 3:30pm to 7-ish

WHERE: Palos Verdes (near Hawthorne & Gran Via Alta Mira)

The groom's mother just called me in a panic asking if I could shoot it (I don't do weddings, nor do I even have a strobe for such photography).? They would like someone to shoot lots of images, submit them raw, and the groom's sister will edit them.? Obviously you can use what you shoot for your own portfolio.? The groom did not budget for a photographer, and the groom's mother doesn't even know what to pay for such a situation when it's last minute and she can't expect a professional photographer.? $100??? $200???? They may be open to 2 or 3 people who'd like a free opportunity to practice shots--I know they just want some photo record of the event.

If you know what you're doing in a photo situation like this and want a great opportunity to practice shooting a wedding reception, PLEASE call me.

Call my cell up until 2pm: 310/[masked] (I'm Kevin)

Reply to this email after 2pm (I won't be able to take calls after 2pm)

Kevin Bergen