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New Meetup: Night Photography Downtown!

From: Chris J.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 1:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Light Chasers of SoCal!

What: Night Photography Downtown!

When: Thursday, November 11,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $5.00 per person *You get this fee back when you show up for the event.

Where: Downtown Parking W. 3rd and S. Hill
Corner of W 3rd and S, Hill St.
Los Angeles, CA 90001

This will be a night time exploration in downtown Los Angeles in search of enchanting visions of the city, when the city is at it?s best?night.

We will begin with a brief Q&A on photographing at night. What settings to use on your camera etc.

We will meet at 7:30pm. We will take a leisurely stroll on a tour of downtown with cameras and tripods in tow.

We will be making photographs of buildings, streets, lights, traffic, people or whatever comes our way. Plan on staying out until at least 11pm or later. Wear comfortable walking shoes. We won?t be walking a great distance, but will likely cover 3 miles.

Bring extra batteries and a tripod is a must!
A cable release or remote for your camera is very helpful for night photography.
I recommend a wide angle lens.

Parking will be $5. The lot is well lit and this is where we will meet.

If you are on the Waiting List, please know that your RSVP might be changed to YES in the event that someone drops out. This might happen last minute, so keep an eye on the list. If you cannot attend, please change your RSVP to No. Don't be a 'no-show'.

Deposit: $5.00*
You pay $5 to RSVP, but you get the $5 back when you show up for the event! I'm hoping this cuts down on the no-shows..

See some photos from the last event we had downtown:

RSVP to this Meetup: