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Backup tool for Linux

From: Varun M.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 3:10 PM
Hi All,

I'm setting up a small NAS server at home with automated nightly backup of certain folders from my laptops to the NAS drives. Now I can either write a cron job for that, or use a market available solution, for them. I googled something and hit upon this page

Which gave me a huge list of softwares (I'm looking for free, GPL). Of which Amanda and Bacula were two promising ones, now my concern is what do you guys vote for and why? Just a small brief about my setup

2 Dual boot laptops --> Windows Vista & Ubuntu | Windows XP & Fedora.
NAS Drive Western Digital 500GB.

Amanda vs Bacula ( or anything else u suggest, should be able to backup from windows also), Via linux I can mount and run the app, but what when on windows alone...

Varun Mehta

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