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Improvements to the Austin Linux Meetup

From: Matthew W.
Sent on: Thursday, June 11, 2015, 9:35 AM

Hello, Linux Enthusiasts!

Attendance to the meetup has been strong over the past year, but I want to increase its value to its members. As one of the oldest and largest tech meetups in Austin, the Austin Linux Meetup should be a place where people can learn and grow. I want the meetup to expand and become an important part of the Austin tech community.

I need your help. I've developed a short anonymous survey I would like you complete. I want your input, especially if you haven't attended a meetup recently or at all.

Here's the survey link:

The survey closes on June 22, and should only take 2-3 minutes. Please take it now!

At the end of the survey, you'll be given an opportunity for comments. Please be candid - I can handle whatever criticism (or praise!) you have.:

Thanks in advance, and see you at the next meetup!

-Matthew Wedgwood


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