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Re: [listmg] To the Long Island Stock Traders Meetup Group[masked] flyer

From: Alan G.
Sent on: Friday, April 12, 2013, 7:40 PM
OK, I can update this for future meetings..I hope some of you are posting it around?  I would love to hear back any ideas about where you guys are hanging it up
But, I dont think it is necessary to create one for each meeting - just the main ones with speakers.
That way we only have one (or occasionally two) to post per month.  Making 3 per month (General, Daytrader, and Vector Vest meetings) seems like it is just too much.  Too much work for me, too much for members. 
(By the way, the 'Tear-off-tabs' on the bottom should be cut with a scissor, if possible, before hanging.  That gives people a phone number to take, and if you pass it again, you can see if the sign generated any interest.)
In a message dated 04/12/13 11:58:19 Eastern Daylight Time, [address removed] writes:
Excellent job Alan - I for one really like it. Yes, update per each meeting.
Visually speaking it outlines & presents what's happening in a nut shell.
Thanks for your efforts - Adrian

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Alan Gordon <[address removed]> wrote:
To the Long Island DayTraders Meetup Group 
I created a flyer for the last meeting, seemed to work. Lets try it again!
I created a flyer for the April 15 Meetup - Should be a great meeting.
Attached is a PDF of the flyer I made up to help promote our stock group.
Again, If you guys like this, let me know, and  I can update it each month and send it out to the list again (I think only for meetings with a guest speaker)
(Of course if you hate it let me know as well)
You may want to put this up near you - local library, workplace lunchroom, local supermarket, etc... maybe a few more people would discover us and attend.
As I said, more advertising wouldn't hurt!
Alan Gordon
Assistant Organizer
Long Island Stock Traders Meetup Group.


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