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Re: [listmg] AVGO soars, from my 8/19 presentation

From: tom l.
Sent on: Saturday, August 30, 2014, 10:44 PM
Thx for the correction Steve. It is obvious from all the prices in my presentation that it was prepared a week ahead of the meeting. The analysis point is still valid that this stock was selected by our system when it was 71. It made the selection well before earnings. It was a long term investment selection so the price on 8/19 is not important. But even if you bought it the day before earnings, it was a nice trade. 

The portfolio manager who selected this stock to buy is looking to hold AVGO for the next 3-5 years. He will buy it on any pullback, as will others. That was the important point of my presentation for both investors and traders who want to front run the buying patterns of portfolio  managers

Steve, thx for giving me the opportunity to reiterate the key points of my presentation. I love your  IBD 50 analysis. Don't get caught with these high beta stocks during a market pullback because they will go down much more than the market! I know you are smart enough to liquidate or hedge before the next downturn in the market. I hope all those using the IBD 50 list are as smart as you!

Best regards,
Tom Lloyd

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 30, 2014, at 4:01 PM, Steve Bogart <[address removed]> wrote:

Just for those keeping score at home:

Closing Price 8/19 $75.62


Closing Price 8/28 $76.36


Closing Price 8/29 $82.09


By the way…Back on 8/12 AVGO was $71



-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of tom lloyd
Sent: Saturday, August 30,[masked]:45 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [listmg] AVGO soars, from my 8/19 presentation


AVGO soars after earnings to 82. It was 71 when I presented it to LISTMG on 8/19. Here is the link to my presentation:


Take a look at the other stocks I presented and the methods I use. They work for both the beginner and the pro!!


Best regards,

Tom Lloyd


Sent from my iPad




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