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What we’re about

Welcome to LIVING IT UP-YYC💫 We are so glad you found us. Whether you're new in town or just want to meet new people, this Meetup group is here to enable people to participate in many social, & fun activities; doing the things we love to do; making friends😊 as we explore all the possibilities in YYC.  Our members range in age from 40-99.  We are singles, couples, attached and married. We are 😁“Fun Seekers” looking to live it up for a better life.

As a member we ask you to abide by our code of conduct and please .........
1.      Provide your full first name and the first letter of your last name.
2.      Post a current clear, recognizable profile picture of yourself. This is for the safety and security of all our members and their families. We want to be able to prevent Meetup scams and recognize you at all our events.
3.      Come and try out an event. If you like the group and want to come out again, I ask you to become a pd. member for a $6.00 annual membership fee to help offset the cost of the yearly Meetup costs. Our $6 yearly membership goes from January to December. OR you can pay $2 for each individual event you sign up for yourself and your guest. You can e-transfer your yearly fee (full name, email, residence postal code, birth month and phone no) to  or pay cash at the next event. People with yearly paid memberships are always given priority if there is a waitlist to attend events.
4.      Know that the organizer or host may collect $$ when there is an out-of-pocket expense or cost for an event.  If there are costs associated to an event (i.e. tickets or entrance fees) you are responsible for paying your own costs. You may have to sign a waiver of liability for some events that are risky.
5.      Not sign up for an event unless you are sure you can attend. It is very discouraging to the organizers and the venue when people short notice cancel or do not show-up. Our policy is if you no-show or short notice cancel (within 24 hrs of event) 3 times you may be removed from the group.
6.       Acknowledge that by signing up (RSVP) for any Living It Up-YYC or other associated group events, that you are aware of all the risks associated to the event and are aware of your physical and emotional limits and how they relate to the  particular event. You also agree that you take full responsibility without exception for the safety and well-being of yourself and your guest(s) and promise to not hold the host(s) or event organizers of this group or any other groups or venues responsible for any harm, injury or property damage that might occur as a result of your participation. Participants who agree to carpool do so at their own discretion and risk You also acknowledge that it is against the law  and unsafe for you to drive impaired by alcohol and/or drugs.
7.      Do not attend events if you are ill. Wearing a mask and clean hands is encouraged for health safety; but, not mandated. Current Alberta Health Care COVID and flu vaccinations and isolation recommendations are followed.
8.      Feel that you are welcome; that means that we as a group are committed to having everyone feel comfortable, as well as safe. We want a group of people that have mutual respect for each other. If it's your first time to one of our events, please don't be afraid that you won't know anyone. We will make sure you are included. No matter what your circumstances. Join us and LIVE IT UP in YYC. Together we will have new experiences, explore new places, try new things, and enjoy all that Calgary and area has to offer. Whatever your interests, you will find an event that sparks your zest for life in this group.

1.       Our Organizers provide a variety of events. 😉They are volunteers whose contributions, time, expertise and attitude are crucial to making our events and group a success.
2.       Organizers help to make lives more social, healthy and complete. They are the heroes of our Meetup group. Pictures and videos may be taken during the events and posted on our website.  You are welcome to post pictures from events you attend. The more people who participate in the group, the better the group will be, so please tell your friends about your adventures!
3.       We do NOT allow people or organizers😠from other social groups to promote themselves, or their group events, to poach our members, or to hijack people into their event. (These💩unethical💩 organizers and people will be removed from our group.)
4.       Living It Up-YYC does strongly encourage cross-promotion of events with seniors’ groups, business owners, Facebook and other Meetup groups. Any promotions MUST have prior permission from the LIU-YYC organizer, as we want to make sure that other events we😊 help promote are the same high standard as our own events.

🪐You only get one Journey in this life; our group of fun, friendly people whether single, married, attached, kids, pets, or not, welcomes you with open arms.
We're lucky to live in Calgary, where we can (and will) enjoy local and surrounding social activities. Our name says it all! Some of the activities and events we plan includes but not limited to: Dining, Hiking, Pickleball, Badminton, Dancing, Live Music, Karaoke, Golf, Tennis, Potlucks, Card and Board Games,  Sporting Events, Coffeehouse,  Cycling,  Picnics, Discussions and Interest groups, Skiing (X-country and downhill) Barbeques, Beach Parties and more.
Thank you for being here! Have FUN... Bring your ENERGY... and your SMILE! :) Become a “Fun Seeker”🙂 Get out there and LIVE IT UP! We look forward to meeting you!
DeanA🎀 and all the incredible Living It Up-YYC Organizers!

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: 🪶In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Îyâxe Nakoda Nations, the Métis Nation (Region 3), and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta