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MARLEY/LEAH Please RSVP today!

From: jesse f.
Sent on: Monday, January 14, 2013, 4:36 PM

Hey Artists!

This week we hope to continue our rotation of OC/LA's best models.

THis WED: MARLEY, she is a figurative dynamo who we've recently had the pleasure of working with this past Saturday.  So she's back and adding new poses to her lineup.  Marley is lean but strong and very flexible, she can hold some very interesting poses with a super strong core, come prepared to draw abs.

Saturday; LEAH, with a dancing background her modeling sessions always have big show quality.  Leah is very strong with a fit physique and a knack for toe-points that could crack the model box. Tons of energy and good with partial costume, finished works often come out of Leah's modeling sessions.


This year's Costa-Mesa Cultural Arts Showcase will be held here! at 1980 on March 16th 6-9pm From under ground to City Sponsored events our studio has come a long way!If you would like to submit work for the show please inquire with in.  The Showcase  just so happens so coincide with the beginning of our 3rd Year of workshops! Yes indeed, time does fly when you are having fun making art.  I want give special thanks to those of you who have been here from the beginning.  Without your support and the steady in flux of new artist, there would be no Workshop. THANKS!!  We always strive for artists to have a great studio experience at Location 1980.  In order to maintain and improve that experience on ***March 1st we will be raising the studio donation to $20***

From now til then, we have, are and will continue to upgrade the studio work space. We will have better lighting, more easels, more drawing benches, snacks and refreshments, and yup you guessed it MORE FANTASTIC MODELS.  We are also starting monthly costumed models, with at two sessions a month in full costume.

Thanks for supporting the studio, -JF




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