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RE: [figuredrawing-180] Come draw the fabulous Toni Ivashkov tomorrow night!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 9:29 AM
Hey everyone,

I've never been to this before but i'd like to check it out. I was
wondering, are there art boards/easels provided?


> Hi friends -
> Please join us for a wonderful summer night of drawing tomorrow. Toni is
> our model, and if you've had a chance to draw this incredible performer,
> you know what I'm talking about.
> The studio has a new professional studio light that we used last week. The
> lighting is the best that I have ever seen before. The warm summer night,
> with a cool breeze was just perfect last Wed.
> Let's show Jesse and Brett that we love this place with a strong turn out!
> Cheers - Terrill
>   <;­
> --
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