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Summer Nights Drawing with Tracey - tomorrow night - Wed @ 7pm

From: terrill
Sent on: Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 8:45 PM

Hey there artists  -

We had a solid turn out last week of 11 members. Geoff Winnie did an incredible job as host that night, putting together some delicious snacks of parmesan crackers, some nice hard cheeses, complemented by a bottle of vine. Wow - Thank you Geoff!! Our model Toni Ivashkov blew the doors off with moves and poses that brought out the best in us.

Tomorrow night we have the talented model Tracey joining us. If you take a look at the drawings she inspires, you'll know you will not want to miss out.

Last week we welcomed a new member Jennifer who assured us she will be back! Another artist, Brittany drove an hour and 20 minutes from Redlands just to draw. She said it was worth every minute of the drive. If you are new to the group - please know that you are always welcome no matter what your experience level. If you are a veteran, and have been gone a long time like me - tomorrow is a great night to get back into the groove.

See you soon!

- Terrill


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