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What we’re about

Welcome to "The Authentic Relating and Conscious Connections Group"! This group aims to create a supportive community for individuals interested in deepening their self-awareness, enhancing their interpersonal skills, and developing meaningful connections with others.

### Purpose of the Group

  1. Authentic Relationships: To cultivate genuine and meaningful interactions through activities and discussions that promote openness, empathy, and active listening.
  2. Personal Growth: To provide tools, resources, and a supportive environment for members to explore and enhance their personal development.
  3. Community Building: To create a safe space where members can share their experiences, challenges, and successes, building a sense of belonging and mutual support.
  4. Skill Development: To offer workshops, exercises, and discussions that help members develop better communication, emotional intelligence, and conflict-resolution skills.

### Who Should Join?

  • Individuals Seeking Personal Growth: Anyone interested in understanding themselves better and working towards personal development goals.
  • People Interested in Deep Connections: Those who value meaningful relationships and want to connect with others on a deeper level.
  • Professionals in Helping Fields: Coaches, therapists, counsellors, and anyone in the personal development industry who wants to enhance their skills.
  • Curious Learners: Individuals curious about authentic relating practices and keen to learn new ways to interact with others.

### Why Join?

  • Expand Your Self-Awareness: Engage in activities that help you understand your behaviours, thoughts, and emotions more clearly.
  • Improve Your Relationships: Learn effective communication techniques and build stronger, more authentic relationships.
  • Supportive Community: Join a group that offers encouragement, feedback, and a safe space to share your journey.
  • Skill Enhancement: Gain practical skills to improve interactions and relationships.
  • Personal Fulfilment: Experience the joy and satisfaction of connecting authentically with others and seeing personal growth.

A journey of self-discovery, connection, and growth!

Upcoming events (1)

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