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LBR Surf Trip Halloween in Newquay

Photo of Alistair Knight
Hosted By
Alistair K. and Kristen T.
LBR Surf Trip Halloween in Newquay


London Board Riders annual Halloween Trip to Newquay! The dates are a wkend before Halloween to avoid big crowds.

This trip is most member's favourites and usual turnout is 50! Come join the fun.

How LBR works? We don't charge any fees, you simply use this group to coordinate rides and accommodation with others to keep the cost down and have mates to do activities with. You can do this via the facebook event page or via the whatsapp chat (link posted 1-2months prior).
Rules? Please be respectful of others. No sexual harassment will be allowed - please come to any of the admins to report an issue. If you commit to a ride or accommodation and need to cancel for any reason, you must find a replacement to take your spot or pay your share.

Photo of London Board Riders group
London Board Riders
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