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Progressive .NET Tutorials 2013 (29th-31st of May, London)

From: Alex S.
Sent on: Thursday, March 14, 2013, 3:14 PM
The Progressive .NET Tutorials returns to Skills Matter after the successful conference in May 2012. For all the latest on speakers and presentations follow us on Twitter - @skillsmatter and #prognet. 

This year's theme: Single Page Applications (SPA)

SPA applications have become the next big thing, with MS even introducing template support for building them in Visual Studio. But for many people a SPA application still remains a mystery and the choice of libraries overwhelming. At this Progressive.NET we hope to help you understand what a SPA app is, and delve into some of the choices you have in implementing one. In addition, we will have a more general track that offers tutorials, as always, on best practice for .NET developers. If you want to understand the 'state of the art' our mission is to help you.


-Ian Cooper
-Ashic Mahtab
-Mark Rendle
-Dylan Beattie
-Tomas Petricek
-Don Syme
-Sebastien Lambla
-Jimmy Bogard

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