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Philosophy in the Park 092

Photo of Joel
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Philosophy in the Park 092


Philosophy in the Park is a philosophical discussion group. Open to all. No previous philosophical experience necessary.

We will meet at the Baroness Burdett Coutts Drinking Fountain in Victoria Park (East Park). It is marked down as "13" on the official maps found in the park.

Here's how it works:

  • At the start of each hour vote on which questions to discuss. You can vote for more than one question if you'd like. The questions with the most votes are the questions we discuss.
  • We then break up into groups and each group does a different question. The question is just a starting point and it's cool if you go on tangents and up end talking about different things. You're welcome to join in and participate or if you'd prefer you're welcome to sit back and enjoy the conversation.

After an hour we all come back together, take a quick break and then repeat all over again. So in 3 hours we go around 3 times.

The aim is to have fun, meet new people, generate interesting and thought-provoking conversations, have your horizons expanded, challenge your preconceptions and who knows - you might even learn something?

In order to make the conversations as fun, interesting and productive for everyone as possible please follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Keep it Philosophical
    (No Science, no History, no Evolutionary Psychology, no contestable facts, personal anecdotes etc).
  2. Think for Yourself
    (No phones, no looking up definitions, no name dropping Philosophers / books you've read).
  3. Tangents are Cool
    (Don't worry too much if the subject drifts and you don't answer the question).
  4. Keep it Succinct
    (Like this).
  5. Be Excellent to Each Other
    (But of course).

Philosophy is about conceptual analysis. It's thinking about thinking. It's not about empiricism or the real world. It's about abstractions, concepts and ideas.

To terms of the right attitude: It's not about debating and trying to win - it's about listening to people and working collaboratively to increase our collective understanding.

No homework or prior knowledge or reading is necessary - simply come and enjoy the discussions.

After the event finishes you are welcome to stay for more chat and drinks.

If you would like to submit a question please join the Whatsapp group. Question submissions take place on the Thursday before the meeting.

We hope to see you there.

Nice one.


To join the Philosophy in the Park WhatsApp Group please click here: (in order to stop spam bots this will take you to a Waiting Room. Once in please write your name and we will join you to the main chat).

If the link doesn't work then please send me a message with your phone number and I can add you directly.

Meetup charges subscription fees. If you would like to make a donation please click here:

Photo of London Philosophy Collective group
London Philosophy Collective
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