What we’re about
Solidworks (SW) sponsors community lead usergroups to provide for skill building and networking among SW users. It is a place of learning new things and meeting interesting people doing incredible things. Whether you're an master at Solidworks or any other 3D design Software or just interested in 3D technology everyone is welcome.
While you will occasionally hear of new products and services from SW and other vendors who will often sponsor meetings, we don't allow any "hard selling" and instead focus on SW skills, tips and tricks. There is no cost to join London SWUG, and most events are presented at no cost.
Anyone who is interested in getting on the list, send me an email at londonswugn@gmail.com Or register to our Meetup group and you will be informed of upcoming meetings and events. If you are a current members please forward this on to your co-workers and friends.
As always we are looking for speakers. This is great opportunity to share ways SW helps you get the job done.
You can find out previous meeting recordings can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwC0TbuMGHJJIeSnaThg6w