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London Silicon Roundabout Weekly Newsletter Issue 07 Nov 2014

From: Silvija
Sent on: Friday, November 7, 2014, 3:05 PM

*** If you can´t see the links in this email view it online***

Happy Friday Folks!

At TechMeetups we had quite the successful week and looking forward to relaxing weekend! Hope you do as well.

Now, let me inform you about upcoming events we strongly recommend you get involved with:

1. Weekend Crash Course in Coding (Ruby on Rails) over the 22nd-23rd November. Hurry up and book your discounted ticket HERE

2. TechMeetups London Silicon Roundabout Xmas Party #tmuxmas on 17th December. We'd love to get to know you!

3. TechStartupJobs Fair London 2015 on Feb 18th. Hurry up, book your FREE job seeker ticket on time, or if you are an Employer- Various Early Bird options - Take the time for Exta Promotion.

If you are traveling to BERLIN next month, here are an event you'd want to check:

TechStartupJobs Fair on 20th November - 21 Employers signed up so far: Babbel, Outfittery, Hitfox, Kaufda, Brandwatch, Minodes, Gründerszene, Erento, Glispa GmbH, Visual Meta GmbH, Zattoo, Travel Audience, Wimdu GmbH, WayFair, Retention Grid, Payleven, BillPay, Rocket Internet, MyNEWSdesk, Novoda, and Rheingau Founders.

Have a lovely weekend everybody!

Warm Regards,

London Silicon Roundabout Weekly Newsletter Issue 07 Nov 2014

ISSUE 07 Nov 2014

Welcome to Our New Members

Randall Coston: Networking with other digital start-ups

GK: Networking

Rhiannon Klein: Urban Planning

Jay Chawla: Ecommerce, IT

Nizie: Web development

Michael wieder: Startups

Olly Osborne: Marketing and socials

Daniel Dawson:Finding funding / cofounders

Antonio: CEO

Ken Kappler: Developer Education

Yannick Yamanga: Dev + marketing

Raul: IT Consultan, developer

Nancy: Business management

Sabrina: Business planning

MDillon: Networking

Scott Lyle: Business and product development

Zsolt: Marketing

Matthew Rigbye: Ideas, partners, inspiration

Guillaume Racine: Investment opportunities

Shun Liang: Networking and learning opportunities

Andrew Cookson: Technical Project Management

John Wright: Developer

Kamzz: Networking

Thomas Whitton: Developer

Mehmet Ali Ozmen: Wearable Tech

Laurenti Arnault de' Medici


22-23 Nov: Weekend Crash Course in Coding (Ruby on Rails) [ RSVP HERE ]

17 Dec: TechMeetups London Silicon Roundabout Xmas Party #tmuxmas [ RSVP HERE ]

19 Feb: TechStartupJobs Fair London 2015 [ RSVP HERE ]

TechStartupJobs Fair London 2015 Participant Companies

Startup Institute

Startup Institute’s 8 week autumn program

Applications to our Autumn Program starting Oct. 6th are open. A handful of scholarships are available

Apply now

Makers Academy

If you're interested in learning how to code, Makers Academy is a highly selective, 12 week, full-time course in web development based in London's Silicon Roundabout.


Looking for Talent? Techstartup JobsFair Berlin is the Place to be


Android/iOS Developer

Lead Developer @ ASIO (Animal Systems)

You will be leading a small team creating a broad range of web-enabled audio applications for iOS, Android and other platforms.


Lead Software Engineer @George Bailey Ltd

We are looking for an experienced technical developer to join our leadership team, who wants to share in our success and vision and wants to take ownership of the technical strategy and delivery of our solutions for clients.

Junior QA engineer @ Compucorp

We like to build stuff… sometimes complicated stuff… and sometimes it breaks. So we’re looking for a confident and ambitious junior developer to join our team as a Q/A test engineer for the Drupal platform.


Java Software Engineer (Mid Level) @ MyBeautyCompare

Your work methodologies include Kanban, Scrum, Github issue tracking and you are proactive with a hardworking, fun and positive attitude

Founder/ Co-founder

Technology Cofounder

We are looking for a new technical member to join the founding team, who shares our dream and who is committed to build the success of Vernez together with us.


Growth Hacker (paid internship) @ TransferWise

We’re looking for a talented Growth Wunderkind to join our London office, where you’ll be part of and learn from the best growth team in Europe, working autonomously and collaboratively to originate and execute ideas to help grow our user base.

If you have a job you would like to promote post it at TechStartupJobs


Major banks ready their own mobile payment apps – PCWorld

The True Cost Of Hiring An Employee? Much More Than Their Salary – Forbes

Here’s What Mobile Apps Will Look Like in 2015 – AmericanBanker


What is Horizon 2020?



Barclaycard has always developed close relationships with entrepreneurs and start-ups, partnering with people having fresh ideas that will lead to tomorrow's innovations. We are happy to sponsor and support TechMeetups.

If you are interested in becoming TechMeetups London Silicon Roundabout partner, and explore the services and benefits we offer, feel free to get in touch with us.




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