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The future of this group

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:56 PM
Hello all AR Meetup Members,

We have lots of people going to the meal this evening from other groups (eg our local veggie and vegan group, Twickenham and Surrey Veg, and some from VEG-London) but speaking for my own opinion personally, I am very disappointed in the lack of support from people from this meet up group.

I think it is a bit poor that out of 181 members it only seems that three or possibly 4 of us are actually going!!
I am sure you will agree this is not a very good level of support for the group.

I know it is a social meal out and not activism but I've been advised that a lot of ppl wanted a combination of the two! Were we wrong about this? If so please let me know! I personally prefer the active side and for me I am a sociable person I think, but the social side usually comes second after raising awareness with the public about animal rights/veganism. We were hoping to please people a bit and make it fun for some meet ups!

I would be very happy to organise some more demos and public awareness raising. I have several ideas in the pipeline for the new year but need a lot more support from people from this group.

Before the meet up payment runs out, please could anyone who is genuinely interested in animal rights get in touch with me on
[address removed]
(BUT no timewasters please, only ppl who fully plan to help out, mainly on the streets raising awareness on leafletting and demos).

If you are not in my area of London (SW outer London) I will gladly try to put you in contact with someone for AR in your area if I know anyone, and would also recommend that everyone should sign up to the arevents list to find out about AR activities in the London area.

On that list there is anti-fur, anti-McDonalds, SHAC demos, there is always lots you can get involved in, on weekdays or weekends whenever suits you best, so really no excuse for anyone not to do something with London AR, however little you can do.

Please if you are not already active, make 2010 the year you make it your New Years Resolution to do something for the animals, whether it is educating people about veganism, animal welfare/rescue work, anti-vivisection, eg SHAC demos, anti-fur, or campaiging to keep in anti-hunt MPs and get out pro-hunt MPs in the next election, so that the hunt ban will remain.

There is no shortage of work to be done against the scourge of speciesism, so we are all needed and there is no room for apathy! Please get in touch if you want to help.

I know there are a few very committed people on this list, such as Paul who is already very active in AR in London, and Candida who has been active overseas helping stray and abused dogs in India.
I know how much some of you do, but I also have a strong feeling that there are many on this list who could be doing a lot more..


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