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Schedule for next week's user group

From: Matthew C.
Sent on: Thursday, July 4, 2013, 1:39 PM
It's almost here. Thanks to all who filled out the RSVP question -- the main themes are below:

- production Go usage
- web services in Go
- interfaces and structural typing
- profiling Go programs
- Go toolchain and internals

We'll be covering at least a couple of these areas in next week's talks. The draft schedule is:
6:30pm: Arrivals, food, drinks
7:00pm: Nick Stenning - Understanding net/http: building a new HTTP router for GOV.UK
7:45pm: Matt Cottingham - APIs at Microcosm
8:30pm: Short talks & discussion
It'd be great to have some short talks, so if you want to spend 5-10 minutes talking about something you've done with Go, let me know. It's always good to hear from those just picking things up what the experience was like.
Thanks to Forward for hosting us, CloudFlare for providing the food, and Hailo for providing the beer.
See you there,

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