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Couple of announcements

From: Alexandre González R.
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2015, 11:51 AM

Hi all,

I just wanted to send a summary of yesterday's meetup:

  • Women Who Go was announced!
  • NATS (messaging system by Apcera written in Go) has his own meetup in London:
  • dotGo has offered a discount for us using the promo GOLONDON:
  • Talks are going to be shared on the meetup board as usual.

I am leaving London so Matt will probably need some help organising it. Some of you approached me yesterday and I will share your emails with him, if somebody else want to help him, send a message.

Also, we are always running out of talks, so if you want to help preparing one that would be awesome!

It was a great pleasure helping to grow the Go community in London with the meetup and the conference and it's pretty sad to leave, but I am pretty sure that we will see each other in the future! :) In the meantime, I am @agonzalezro on twitter.

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