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Thanks to Álex and other news

From: Matthew C.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 9:33 PM

Firstly, a huge thanks to Álex for helping organise the user groups over the past 18 months. It's a lot of work to make things run smoothly, and Álex did everything from searching for new venues to lining up great speakers and running the events. He'll have a warm welcome at the next user group he can be at, and we wish him well in Madrid.

Secondly, thank you to the many people who've offered help for organising future events. You should all have received details of the organisers' comms channel, so let me know if you haven't.

Our next user group will be in November. We'll keep you posted.

On another note, we're approaching 1000 members now, which is remarkable given that the first meetup was around 35 people.