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Re: [LondonOpenCoffee] Need some help in your life right now?

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 3:45 PM
That sounds like everyone needs a life coach.

I should be a life coach.

Can I be a life coach?

Have I never doubted a decision?

M ;)

On 22 Feb 2017, at 15:38, Aimee <[address removed]> wrote:

Do you recognise any of the following? 

- You feel like everyone has got their life figured out, but you don’t

- You have hopes and dreams that you think about but “don’t have time for”

- You think you're not 'good enough'

- You're lacking in confidence, self belief or self esteem to the extent that you actually wonder whether something is genetically wrong with you, because no-one else seems to feel this way

- You’re starting a business, or a freelancing career, or you really want to but don’t know if you can pull it off and you’re scared of failing or being rejected

- You desperately want change, but you've realised that what needs to change is YOU

- You’re waiting until Friday/payday/next year when magically, somehow things will just all be different

- You like to ‘escape’… into NetFlix, wine, Instagram… only to find the problems haven’t gone away once you return

- You've questioned to yourself "Is this all there is to life? Is this all I'll ever become?" but don't dare ask anyone out loud for fear of the answer

- You’ve no idea what you want or you’re torn between choices

- Your head feels like a mess

- You look at others and think ‘if only I could be more like them…’

- You’re stuck, agonising over the ‘right’ decision to make and what to do

- You’re procrastinating, big time

- You’re bored and tired of mediocre results and playing small, and you want much more

- And although everything looks good on the outside, on the inside you’re struggling…

If the answer is yes, I can help. I specialise in helping people with whatever they’ve got going on in their lives, whether it be major change, uncertainty, self-doubt, low confidence, or a feeling that they want something better, but they're standing in the way of it. I help my clients explore and transform their inner world, so that their outer world can start to change.

For more info please visit

Or email me directly on [address removed]

Where I will be happy to discuss things further.

Aimee C. Teesdale 
Life Coach 

I have a new website! 

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