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WILD MAGIC: herbal amulets

From: Renee S.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 10:23 PM

An amulet is an object designed to protect, bless or assist the user. Unlike a talisman - which is traditionally used only for protection, an amulet can be assigned any intention at all. 

Some amulets are to be worn, and therefore are sometimes confused with all pendants, or charms that hang from necklaces, but the key with magical and ritual tools, such as amulets, is the intention that you infuse it with, so any object can become an amulet once it has become activated and infused with your intention.

You'll craft three glass vial herbal amulets, using herbs, crystals, celestial/planetary/lunar energy, and other embellishments, then we'll bless and activate them in a shamanic ceremony and meditation. 

WILD MAGIC: herbal amulets
August 14th / 2:30-4:30 / $35
All supplies included


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