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Wicca TV Auditions

From: user 1.
Sent on: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 11:23 PM
A message from Mistress Prime, Organizer of the Orange County Pagans and Witches Meetup:

Hello everyone,

I'm producing a documentary style weekly TV series about Wicca
and those who practice Wicca to be run on a national network or
cable channel. I'm looking for 5-7 cast members.

*You must be a practitioner of Wicca.
*You need to be between the ages of 21 to 40. I can be
negotiable on the age if you contact me. ;)
*Live within the OC/LA area

We are hosting on-camera auditions this Wednesday (1/27/10) in
Santa Ana between 3-8pm at 1/2 hour intervals. If you are
interested, and fit the criteria listed above, please contact
me directly to schedule an audition time.

MistressPrime here

Thank you,

Yvonne Conway
(Producer, Writer, Casting, Wicca Consultant)
Pagan and Witches Meetup Groups Organizer
Orange County, CA