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What we’re about

At the moment we are organising online events, which we share with other groups from around the world. The sessions are for anyone interested in learning about wine, its various styles, the production methods, viticultural history and geography - as well as how to taste it and what to eat with it!

Your host, Sean, has a WSET Level 3 qualification, a professional business English training certificate from Trinity College London, and over 15 years hosting wine-tasting seminars. He has also lived and worked in the vineyards of France, exporting wine and running bars and wine shops. Sean has a great reputation around Europe for fostering a fun and relaxed atmosphere that belies his assiduous research and vast knowledge.

We’ll also have guest speakers and wine-makers.

Check out these reviews from previous events:
Hi Sean, I had a lovely time last night at my first ever online tasting. Thanks again for
organising the tasting and enlightening us with a well prepared presentation. Definitely one of the few highlights during this difficult time. As always, I enjoyed hearing your commentary but also everyone's input, questions, and passionate musings about wine - Tracey Pierson.

A very original experience, much appreciated! - Kin.

Sean was a great and entertaining host and his knowledge of wine lore is encyclopedic! A well spent evening - Viktor.

I’ve been participating in several of Sean‘s Wine Tasting Events and can highly recommend it. It‘s always fun combined with amazing wines/ drinks and lovely people. Sean has a profound knowledge and is passionate in hosting his guests. Perfect event - danger of repetition! Janine Mueller.