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Re: Ui[libertarian-352] Sign 10 is done

From: Sean T.
Sent on: Saturday, August 17, 2013, 9:08 AM
I'm certainly not saying that all business people are power hungry and corrupt--I know a great many business people who are very altruistic--I'm merely pointing out that permitting Washington the power of granting this tax break or that to this business or that and of passing this excessively strict regulation or that against this industry or that whose small businesses can't comply leaves the system wide open to abuse to those business people who are power hungry and corrupt and that this is exactly what has been happening at least since the start of the so-called "progressive movement".  Those kinds of big business people are the only ones who can afford the powerful lobbying and campaign contributing required to bend politicians to their will, and that's why many people are Libertarian--to tell Washington "no" when it tries to pass more regulations and further complicate the tax code to the detriment of anyone.  Washington should not be granted control over the economy; the laws of economics are as fundamental as those of physics and can't be controlled to any end other than their own natural outcome, and any attempt to do so, as we've seen repeatedly since 1913, has catastrophic results for nearly everyone.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Joe Egan <[address removed]> wrote:
It simply makes no sense to talk about a nation being a "corporation" -- at least not in any accepted definitions of that term.

While there are "big business in bed with big government" problems in our economy, libertarianism is NOT about bashing businesses -- including "big" business. The suggestions -- that seem to have gained more popularity in recent years -- that "business people are just like power-hungry corrupt politicians" doesn't fit into libertarianism (nor does it match the reality of the business world).

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Sean Thornton <[address removed]> wrote:
In fact, you could say that's why a lot of people are Libertarians to begin with--we're tired of corrupt politicians taking kickbacks from big business and big corporations for meddling with the economy in their favor and at our expense!  End the Fed!

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:08 AM, Leisa <[address removed]> wrote:
Thank you Sean.


Subject: Re: Ui[libertarian-352] Sign 10 is done
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Thu, 15 Aug[masked]:05:48 -0400

We may be Libertarians, but there is truth to the claim that the US is a corporation.  At the very least, we are run by corporate and big banking interests thanks to our lovely Federal Reserve System.  After the election is over, we should definitely have a meeting to welcome all our new members and maybe come up with a schedule of regular get-togethers and bull sessions.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Leisa <[address removed]> wrote:

Sorry, but I thought this subject applied. No, I still wish to remain a member.


Subject: Re: Ui[libertarian-352] Sign 10 is done
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Thu, 15 Aug[masked]:53:28 -0400

This is the *Libertarian* meet-up board. I think you're looking for a conspiracy-theory forum. (Try a Google search to find the forums you're looking to participate in.)

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