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Fwd: AFF Roundtable

From: bruce
Sent on: Monday, July 9, 2012, 9:44 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruce Majors
Date: Monday, July 9, 2012
Subject: AFF Roundtable
To: [address removed]

Thank you for joining America's Future Foundation (AFF) at the Business, Money, and Politics Roundtable last Thursday! 

A special shout of gratitude to our panelists: Tim Carney, Matt Mitchell, and Allen Dickerson, who kept the panel discussion extremely engaging. Thank you as well to our host, Suhail Khan of Microsoft, and our moderator, Lori Sanders for ensuring the event went on without a hitch.

We hope you enjoyed the program and had a chance to meet other young professionals in DC. 
  1. AFF is already underway with the July Roundtable: Bursting the College Bubble. Please join us for another engaging discussion on July 19th!

  2. We are looking for Liberty-minded contributors on the subject of higher education for our Doublethink magazine, If interested please email [address removed]

  3. Other upcoming events include our July 16 Panel Discussion on Capitol Hill Careers and our July 11 Cultivation Crew: Profitable Events for Nonprofits

  4. Become an AFF member and get many benefits, including free roundtable admission, discounted tickets to signature AFF events, exclusive member invitations, and more!  
Please let us know how we can help you advance liberty.  Thanks again for coming, and we look forward to working with you.  

Have a Happy Fourth! 

Max Ukropina
Director of Programs
America's Future Foundation
[address removed]

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