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Come out and meet Governor Johnson at a Virginia event

From: Laura
Sent on: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 11:25 AM
Hey guys-

Lots of exciting events coming up, including opportunities to meet and chat with Governor Johnson, candidate for president! Email me with any questions!

Local Candidates

  • Quick reminder, there's only one local Virginia candidate running for office this November. Robert Kraus, Operations Manager at LP Headquarters is running for Alexandria City Council. PLEASE visit his site and donate or sign up to volunteer:
  • The campaign of Gary Johnson and Judge Gray is in full swing! Visit for news, supplies, and how to donate.
  • Long time activist in DC Bruce Majors, is challenging eleven term (yes, eleven) incumbent Eleanor Holmes Norton for her Delegate to US Congress seat. Visit his website to find out more about activities going on just across the river:

Upcoming Events

VCU Speech and Meet 'n' Greet
Today - 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.
VCU Compass Plaza - 900 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA, Richmond, Virginia
Join Gary Johnson, former two-term governor of New Mexico and current Libertarian Party candidate for President of the United States, for a speech and meet and greet in the compass plaza.

DC Meet 'n' Greet with Governor Gary Johnson
Today - 6:00 p.m.
The Board Room - 1737 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC
Come out and meet Gov. Gary Johnson, Libertarian for President, and find out he how and where can beat Mitt Romney into 3rd place right here in D.C.!

Atlas Shrugged Part II, Opening Night
AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 - 2150 Clarendon Boulevard, Arlington, VA
The long-awaited sequel has finally arrived. Let's catch the 7:30 show, then we can head to Velocity 5 afterwards for drinks and discussion. Click here to purchase your tickets online. We hope to see you there!

Halloween Party Fundraiser for Robert Kraus
Home of Justin Malkin - 313 N Alfred St Apt A, Arlington, VA
Libertarians! Justin Malkin has graciously offered to host a Halloween fundraiser for our candidate for Alexandria City Council, Robert Kraus. Please join us! Suggested Donation: $50

Support Candidate Robert Kraus at Alexandria PATCH Candidate Forum
George Washington Middle School - 1005 Mt Vernon Ave, Alexandria, VA
Robert Kraus needs you to be on his cheering squad for the Alexandria PATCH Newspaper City Council Candidate Forum. You will be needed to hand out palm cards and help promote Robert's candidacy for Alexandria City Council. Please meet Robert in the lobby 15 min before the event.

Libertarian Party at Executive Director Carla Howell's home
Home of Carla Howell (To be emailed to confirmed guests closer to the event)
Carla Howell, Executive Director of the national Libertarian Party, has extended an invite to a party at her apartment! Carla will  supply Mojitos, beer, wine, beverages, coffee, tea and snacks. Additional food or drink contributions welcome, not required.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event. Email me with any questions! In the next few days we hope to have some more exciting Gary Johnson events planned as well. Also, if you need any Gary Johnson campaign supplies - yard signs for your yard or sign waves, fliers for handing out, PLEASE shoot me an email and we'll get you set up!

In Liberty,

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