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Fwd: LIVE NOW: Reddit AMA with Flemming Rose

From: bruce
Sent on: Thursday, November 13, 2014, 9:26 PM


cid:[address removed]


Target of hundreds of death threats and ally to political dissidents, Flemming Rose, Foreign Editor at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, has a unique perspective on the importance of freedom of speech in a world that is increasingly multicultural, multireligious, and multiethnic. In The Tyranny of Silence: How One Cartoon Ignited a Global Debate on the Future of Free Speech, a new book published by the Cato Institute, Rose takes a hard look at the slippery slope of attempts to limit free speech, peppering his heady prose with powerful anecdotes of his work to preserve this inalienable right and the interesting people he has met along the way.


LIVE NOW: Join Rose for a very special discussion on Reddit’s AMA forum for a chance ask the iconic figure a question of your own.


Kat Murti
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