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What we’re about

A group for people interested in the facilitation method Lego Serious Play. A Lego Serious Play workshop fully engages teams and organizations in finding their own solutions to complex problems. We will host introduction workshops for newcomers, guided by professional LSP facilitators. Experience this great method yourself by attending!

About the Lego® Serious Play® Montréal MeetUp group

This MeetUp group is run with enthusiasm by two trained Lego® Serious Play® facilitators. We don't work for Lego, and claim no ownership of LEGO Serious Play methodology. 

Lego® Serious Play® is owned by LEGO who maintain all intellectual property rights in and to the Lego® Serious Play® methodology as well as Lego® Serious Play® materials.

Basic principles of LEGO Serious Play methodology are licensed  under a Creative Commons license. More info about this document, please click here.

If you are curios about the science and research behind LEGO Serious Play (LSP) methodology, please read this fantastic document with a lot of scientific information about LSP

Lego Serious Play MeetUps in other cities:

• Berlin 

• Hong Kong

• London - UK


Belgium & The Netherlands