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What we’re about

A space for heart warming conversations, connection, and therapeutic focused singing and sound healing.

If there ever was a time in your life when singing felt good and made you happy, and you would like to get back to feeling that way, come join us!

"An infusion of the perfect tranquiliser – the kind that both soothes your nerves and elevates your spirit." - Stacy Horn, about singing

Once upon a time... daily singing was common place for people in every culture.

Now, in many modernized societies, singing is increasingly performance focused and an uncomfortable, even painful experience unless you feel you are "a good singer".
Here in Japan, there is much singing in childhood, but less in adulthood, except for the times you go to karaoke, if you go to karaoke.

Singing together - in a supported and welcoming context - amplifies the release of chemicals that make us happier, healthier, even smarter and more creative. Our heart beats begin to synchronize, allowing us to bond in ways that overcome typical barriers to connection.

And when our voices come together in harmony, it can truly feel like magic.

In a world that is heavily divided, with stress, loneliness and depression on the rise, singing together is a beautiful and powerful way to come together and strengthen our relationships.

Our events bridge emotional health, nurturing human connection, vocal expression, sound healing, and the singing voice.

Topics of conversation include ones directly about singing in the modern world, such as:

  • Did you have a traumatic singing experience?
  • How did your childhood affect your singing in adulthood?
  • Singing & Emotional Health - the good, the bad, the ugly of singing
  • How to sing more in your busy day / busy life
  • How to sing in a crowded city - besides karaoke rooms
  • Growing up being told you are tone deaf, or a bad singer
  • Overcoming Your Singing Fears & Hesitancy
  • Do you sing with your family?  Friends?  Boyfriend / girlfriend / partner?
  • How to support that person in your life who can’t sing
  • how to get more support from your loved ones so you can sing
  • When was the last time singing felt really good?

And topics that help support our wellbeing, and getting to know ourselves and each other better.

If you feel shy and not confident in your singing, we are here to support you! Many of us carry this feeling to some degree, and together we will create a safe space for our voices and connect from our hearts.

We sing simple songs with harmonies that focus on deeper connection. If singing is difficult for you, please know that you will be supported.

If you are shy in general, that's also a great reason to join!

We look forward to seeing you!