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To Lyceum Members - Policies, Expectations, Values, Roles & Responsibilities

From: Conversations New Y.
Sent on: Thursday, January 14, 2016, 11:36 PM

Hello everyone:

As we have experienced so far, our meetups are ordinarily civil and enjoyable for all involved.  Thank you all for your role in helping make this happen.

In the extreme chance that a problematic situation develops, we would like to clarify our expectations, values, roles & responsibilities for everyone's benefit:

Event Hosts and participants together are responsible maintaining an environment conducive for conversation.

During an event, the Event Host or moderators may publicly ask a disruptive participants to leave their conversations if they deem necessary.

During an event, the Event Host MUST publicly end their event with no intent to reconvene on that same day if they cannot maintain an environment conducive for conversation.

At all times, participants are responsible for resolving their own disputes and conflicts as private individuals and will not involve others.

All participants are responsible for walking away from a meetup where the Event Host or moderator is not able maintain an environment conducive for conversation and with no intent to re-assemble that event again on that day

As everyone well know, anyone can contact venue management or the police for assistance should they deem necessary.

Full Lyceum policies, expectations, values, roles & responsibilities, and updates are found here:[masked]    

Thank you.


Lyceum Organizer

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