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NYC SharePoint Developers User Group is TOMORROW!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 2:09 PM

Dear NYCSDUGers,

Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 21st, is the NYC SharePoint Developers User Group so signup if you haven't done so already since they're really getting bugged about people not being on the list!

This month we're having a presentation on a really big problem that gets ignored all too often--out of control spreadsheets! No doubt you know that its fairly common for multi-million dollar assets to be tracked on SPREADSHEETS, which is really scary . . .

Randy Simmons of BlueMetal will talk about how SharePoint is providing a solution for this problem. Here's the details:

TIME: 5:30 Meet and Greet, 6:00 Presentation

PLACE: 99 Park Avenue, 6th Floor (two blocks south of Grand Central), door says "Right Management"

SPEAKER: Randy Simmons, Managing Architect, BlueMetal

TITLE: Spreadsheet Management, Control and Risk Assessment in Office and SharePoint 2013


This session will provide an end-to-end scenario of how business critical spreadsheets (often referred to as End User Computing applications) can be centrally managed and risk assessed through applications available in the Microsoft Office desktop and server product suite:  Compare/Inquire in Excel and Audit & Control Manager in SharePoint.  In addition, a reference architecture for End User Computing (EUC) Management and Control - based on SharePoint - will be reviewed backed by examples of actual enterprise deployments.

Randy Simmons is a Managing Architect for the Information Management (IM) Practice for the New York Metro area. Randy has over 25 years of experience leading business-driven solutions in many different industries and worked for Microsoft for 14 years.  Randy has worked with SharePoint since its inception and Site Server before that.

As usual, we will have pizza and drinks provided by the ever-faithful Gig-Werks and lots of raffle swag! And a BIG SHOUTOUT to Leslie and Lisa at Experis, our space sponsor. If you're looking for a job, don't forget to contact them. They're good people.

So be there or be square!




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