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Free pass to attend 30+ NoSQL tech-sessions at Couchbase Live NY

From: Eric David B.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 8, 2015, 12:13 PM

Hi Techies!

Register today for Couchbase Live NY – NoSQL NoLimits – on October 6 at

Hear and see how Couchbase Server 4.0 breaks the limits of NoSQL with two major innovations: N1QL (“nickel”), the first comprehensive query language that extends SQL for JSON; and Multi-Dimensional Scaling, a new architecture that lets you isolate and independently scale Query, Index, and Data services. The result: Blazing performance, unlimited scaling, and query without compromise – plus a whole new level of developer agility. See Couchbase Server 4.0 in action.

This FREE one-day conference at the historic Cipriani Wall Street includes 30+ sessions across 5 tracks: Architect, Big Data, Developer, Mobile, and Operations. It offers an intro series to NoSQL and Couchbase, as well as advanced sessions for experienced users.

Attend and learn how to:

  • Apply your knowledge of SQL to JSON using N1QL, our new SQL-based query language that simplifies writing applications on top of a distributed document database
  • Scale complex queries in a distributed environment through the use of global secondary indexes and Multi-Dimensional Scaling, which lets you assign database workloads to specific hardware resources and accelerate performance
  • Improve performance and availability of web, mobile and IoT applications running on Couchbase by using Database Change Protocol, the core replication protocol of Couchbase Server
  • Build mobile apps with native sync to Couchbase Lite, a fully featured JSON database for devices.

Register now at
Tickets are free for Meetup-group members but spaces are limited, so please reserve your spot today.

You can start to experience Couchbase Server 4.0, Release Candidate (RC0), by downloading today at

See you there!


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