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What we’re about

Machine Learning Meetups Bratislava is a meetup for people interested in machine learning and related topics like AI, data mining, computer vision, information retrieval, natural language processing.

Each meetup includes a presentation and time to hang out and talk afterward. If there’s a topic that you’d like to see covered in the meetup, or a speaker you would like to see - please recommend it!

We’re syndicating the success of the MLMU Prague meetup to Bratislava. You can find more information on Machine Learning Meetups Bratislava website.


Machine Learning Meetups Bratislava je stretnutie ľudí so záujmom o strojové učenie a príbuzné témy ako AI, data mining, computer vision, information retrieval and natural language processing.

Formát meetupu zahŕňa prezentáciu a dostatok času na nasledovné diskusie a networking. Ak viete o speakrovi alebo téme, ktorú by ste radi na meetupe videli, ozvite sa nám! Veľmi radi pripravíme ďalšiu zaujímavú prednášku.

Spolupracujeme s úspešne rozbehnutým cyklom meetupov MLMU v Prahe, univerzitami aj lokálnymi firmami. Viac informácii môžte nájsť na našej webstránke