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What we’re about

Events will be hosted by Kathryn Ann & Tobey Geise for those looking to expand their consciousness and learn how to live in 5D principles. We will share teachings, breathwork, channeling, and more!

Kathryn’s spiritual journey began at 7 years-old when she was hit by a diesel truck while crossing the street. Her physical body died for several minutes, and she had an out-of-body experience. When her consciousness returned to her body, she was blessed with intuitive gifts that allowed her to speak to disembodied spirits. Throughout her life, she had eight more car accidents, two of which resulted in her death and out-of-body experiences. Each accident, although varying in degree of severity, impacted her spiritual growth. Three of the accidents, where she traveled through the death process, she returned with stronger and more pronounced spiritual gifts. Kathryn has been able to see and speak to guides and disembodied beings throughout her life and has had to balance the contrast of living simultaneously in two realms.

Kathryn was raised with strict Christian values and was born into a lineage of channelers, which was suppressed and discouraged by her environment. Through a desire to learn, grow, and evolve, Kathryn has overcome the restraints of her rigid religious upbringing and has been able to merge her spiritual and Christian values.

Kathryn has been channeling in private with The Council of Light for the past two decades. Her relationship with The Council has become more intimate in the last several years due to the energies on the planet increasing towards the awakening of consciousness, along with her diligence to do the deep spiritual work to garner the lessons of the major life shifts she has experienced. She has a strong desire to serve humanity and to raise the consciousness and vibration of love on the planet that all the great masters have taught.

It has only been since meeting Tobey that she has had the courage to share The Council’s light and wisdom with the world. As the friendship between Kathryn and Tobey deepened, the connection with The Council became more fluid and frequent. It was during a channeling session with Tobey when the Council greeted Tobey and gave her their name, The Council of Light, of which Kathryn had never before been aware. Together a new way of channeling has emerged that has not only strengthened Tobey and Kathryn, but also those who cross their paths on the road to enlightenment as the planet transitions into The Great Awakening.


Tobey Geise is a lifelong student, always seeking and evolving. She began her personal growth path in 2004, diving deep into self-awareness and transformational work. Her growth path led her to spirituality and she turned her attention to healing her mind, body, and soul.

A certified Integrative NLP Coach, Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Mental and Emotional Release®, Reiki Master, and Breathwork Practitioner, Tobey is passionate about empowering others to find their own healing within.

Since meeting Kathryn and The Council of Light, Tobey’s spiritual growth and intuitive gifts have deepened and expanded. Their union has been extremely beneficial for all parties involved. Tobey adores her connection with The Council of Light, and says their high vibrational energy feels like “being swaddled by the Divine”. Tobey is the grounding force, supporting Kathryn as she channels the power The Council brings. Her role is integral to Kathryn’s ability to bring The Council to the larger public.