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What we’re about

Hi everyone!

I'm a hair and makeup artist specializing in wedding, glamour, fashion and editorial. In my years of work I come across alot of women who want to learn more about hair and makeup techniques, but how and where to do this? So, I thought this might be a great chance to start a meetup where I can share my knowledge and we can help each other to learn, look great have fun and feel our best.

This meetup is for everyone interested in learning or mastering different techniques in makeup and or hair(we can gage interest), who want to meet new people and make new friends. <br>All skill levels, ages are welcome. I speak both swedish and english so don't be shy.

<br>IF there is enough interest then I can look at the next steps of when and where to meetup. There may be a small cost if we need to rent a space. <br>What do you think? Any budding MUA's out there?? <br>Best, <br>Victoria