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What we’re about

IT Infrastructure and the move to cloud services are the essential backbone of all effective businesses. MIG (Manchester Infrastructure Group) was created so that professionals in this area can get to together and share ideas and thoughts on this ever evolving space! 

This meet up is designed to be a learning platform to upskill the community, alongside being a networking opportunity for individuals who want to create a community outside of work; to bounce ideas, talk about the challenges they are facing, make friends and much more. 

It is a place where the tech community can come to listen, learn, explore and connect. These events take place every month and bring some of the industry’s leading experts to the meetups to talk about their experience. These meet ups also provide a stage for those with something to share, or a seat for those with a hunger to learn and progress. You will take away hints and tips that you can take back to your teams, then tell us at the next meetup if it was successful. All this whilst making some friends along the way over Pizza and beer and/or virtually!

We are always on the lookout for people to facilitate or present sessions, as well as businesses who wish to host - so if you are interested, get in touch!