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What we’re about

Welcome to the Manifestation BFFs Meetup Group — Women looking for best friends in Los Angeles, CA!

Created for:
— Good-hearted women who long to expand, grow, shift, and manifest beautiful lives for themselves.
— Spiritual boss ladies looking to show up boldly in their work, so they can positively affect others.
— Badass business babes who care more about their life mission than what others think.

We believe your heart's desires are there for a reason, that they are waiting to be fulfilled, and we want to help you achieve them by bringing together people like yourself.

By connecting with women who are also working on upgrading their wealth mindset and raising their vibration, you will go on a personal growth journey that's one in a lifetime.

Let's get together to help each other shine brighter, and energetically give others permission to do the same!

Our meetups will include a variety of activities ranging from money and love manifestation classes, themed meditations, spiritual woo-woo practices, healing practices, high vibrational eating, hikes + lunch, and just about anything that women like to do with their BFFs.

You are also welcome to join our Manifestation BFFs Facebook Group. Special Featured Events and Masterclasses will be offered.

Created by Martina Montana — @manifestationbff on Instagram.

*Bringing down other women is simply NOT allowed!

Upcoming events

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