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40 Members and counting!

From: Marv de L.
Sent on: Saturday, October 19, 2013, 10:37 AM

Dear Freelancers,

It's only been a week and we are now at 40 members and counting!  Thanks for hooking up with Freelance Blend, the home of like-minded freelancepreneurs (I just invented that word just now ).

Can you do us a big favor by telling your friends about our Meetup group?  Please click the Facebook "Tell a Friend" button or the Twitter "Share" button.

Lastly, due to space limitations at the venue, we have set a cap of only 20 attendees for our first meetup on Nov 9. To date, there are only 4 spots left. Please RSVP now if you plan to attend.  Also, in case you RSVP'd but something happened and you won't be able to attend, please cancel your RSVP to free up the slot for others.

Thank you and happy weekend!

Best regards,




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