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Creating a Culture of Creativity: Building Business Agility

Photo of Pam Ashby
Hosted By
Pam A.
Creating a Culture of Creativity: Building Business Agility


Our 2024 events are themed ‘Marketing within Business Agility’. We're taking a holistic look at how marketing sits within an Agile organisation, shifting our viewpoint beyond the team to how we integrate our effort more effectively to deliver organisational strategy and success.

In this event, panel member Anthony Coppedge will be sharing how the most impactful creative ideas at IBM come from the people doing the work more than from the people leading the work. For Anthony, asking better questions is important so that 'ideation leads to practical activation'.
Delivery Lead at T&Pm Graham Cassidy will share his experiences of working with Agile clients, and talk through real examples of giving creatives the space they need but in an agile setting.
Agile Coach Hamish McMinn will be offering us perspectives from the world of engineering, including innovation in the automotive industry.

We’ll discuss key questions such as:

  • What is leadership’s role in creating a culture of creativity?
  • What processes and tools does an agile marketer have in their tool box to stimulate creativity?
  • How can AI support creativity without constraining it?
  • What organisational structures and strategies are needed to foster ingenuity?

The event will split into 2 sections

  1. Exploring Culture and Creativity – the 'why' and the 'what'
  2. Practical routes to improve Culture for Creativity – the 'how'

We’re also opening up our events to contributors. If you would like to offer a viewpoint in one of our ‘soapbox slots’ ( max 5 minutes timeboxed slot to contribute a view for discussion), please contact us on LinkedIn, on Meetup or by email.

Register now to be part of this learning experience!

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