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The "Marketing Tools" slide are available for download here..

From: Craig J.
Sent on: Friday, October 16, 2015, 3:39 PM

This last Tuesday,  I showed several business models which have grown nicely this year and which work well:

- A daily blog with an email campaign giving people a heads up and a taste of the recent blog post. The product and subscription are sold on the website. You saw how it grew from startup to 90,000 unique visitors last month. This is a perpetually available B2C product.

- An online Summit Model. Many experts talking, list build lead magnet and initial sale offers. This is a limited time available product B2C product.

- An info product launch starting with a quiz lead magnet, 4 videos and big "cart is closing" push. This is a limited time available B2C product.

- A perpetually available B2B product which doubled last year.

I showed the techniques used to grow these business by 400%, 500%, 20,000% and 100% respectively over the last 12 months.

Hey I just gave this away. I normally charge $5,000 and more for this information.  I hate that so many people can't figure out marketing.  This is my charitable giving.

Understanding the techniques, where to focus, and how to do things is my emphasis. How to use the tools is simple.

And I shared the the 30 or more "Power Tools" I routinely use. I shared briefly what I use each for.

The slides on the "Marketing Power Tools" are available on our meetup site under "More" then "Files". Yep, free. Just Click Here

Next month, we have a variety of things we can discuss. I want your feedback. email me at [address removed] or go to my website Open Spaces Marketing to tell me about what we should cover.

Our main options are:

1, Business Models

2. Business Metrics and measurement

3. Techniques and Strategies

4. Case Studies

5. Traffic Generation techniques

6. How to start an online business

7. How to grow an existing business

Mark your calendar!

Click Here to Reserve your seat

Craig Jacobson

Open Spaces Marketing

PS: You know I shared how we achieved this level of success in a week...

There is a way of thinking, a series of techniques and tools that are used to enjoy breakout growth for small businesses.