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How may we contribute to each other's Communication and Human Potential?

Photo of Tisha McMeekin
Hosted By
Tisha M.
How may we contribute to each other's Communication and Human Potential?


How do we create the kind of place we want (since here we are)?
Why am I here?
Why are you here?

Are you interested in learning or understanding by BEing here?
What are you DOing?
This is where mind experience (BE) and body experience (DO) come together.

Are you willing to listen and speak about things that contribute to learning and understanding?

Define for yourself, as well as share with other attendees, what Human Potential means to you. See what it means to them. What does a little improvement look like HERE and NOW?

This is not a group for revolution, but evolution. We make small changes, little by little and they start with you and me.

Maumelle is this nice place we are calling home now. What could make it better? What is good as it is (in your opinion)?

Bring your notes or drawings of your dreams: practical or impractical. Innovations and change cannot happen in the absence of dreams and ideas: yours and mine.

Perhaps you simply want to have a hula hoop club that meets once a week for an hour, with the goal of doing something healthy and seeing smiles around you on your patio or at the park.

This is a starting point to get creative ideas flowing - "Potential".

I look forward to seeing you and hearing what you have to say!

Photo of Maumelle Communication and Human Potential Workshops group
Maumelle Communication and Human Potential Workshops
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