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Changes in group leadership.

From: Mike N.
Sent on: Friday, February 27, 2015, 6:06 PM


When I joined the leadership of this meetup group in early 2012 we were then known as the '20's & 30's Beer Club" and had only a few dozen members. Since then, our membership has grown to over 500 people with more joining every day. We've planned and executed over 300 events all over the Grand Strand and I'm proud to say I personally attended more than half of them.

I've met many wonderful people and had a tremendous amount of fun; I sincerely hope that you all have as well. Unfortunately, I no longer have the time to devote to MBYP that it deserves, so in order to ensure the continued success of the group I am stepping down as lead organizer.

Amber Ketchum has volunteered to take on the responsibility of organizer. She brings plenty of experience and lots of enthusiasm to the job. Amber has a number of great ideas for moving the group forward which she will be happy to tell you all about.

Cory Hellyer will be staying on as co-organizer and I will be retaining a role as an event planner.

Thank you all for these past 3 years and I look forward to many more.

-Mike Nagle