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What we’re about

Welcome to Media Detox, a community for those who value a more balanced and mindful approach to the digital world. Our mission is to support and inspire each other as we break free from the shackles of constant connectivity, mainstream media, and the lure of endless content consumption. The path to freedom starts with digital minimalism.
If you're interested in any of the following, you've come to the right place:

Being able to go outside without your phone: We believe in rekindling our connection with the real world and savoring life's moments without the constant distraction of a screen.

Turning off the news: In our fast-paced world, we understand the importance of taking a step back from the overwhelming stream of news and information.

Turning off notifications: Escape the constant buzz and regain control over your life, focusing on what truly matters.

Not mindlessly using social media (for longer than 15 minutes): We encourage mindful and intentional use of social media, freeing ourselves from endless scrolling and the trap of mindless consumption.

Not binge-watching content on streaming platforms like Netflix: We promote conscious viewing, allowing you to make the most of your time and engage with content in a meaningful way.

Disclaimer: If you're not interested in at least one of these aspects, Media Detox may not be the right group for you. We're here to create a supportive environment for those seeking a healthier balance with technology and a more mindful approach to life. If these principles resonate with you, we invite you to join our community and embark on this journey of digital detox and mindful living together.

Let's unplug, unwind, and embrace a life with purpose beyond screens. Join us at Media Detox and be part of a community that's redefining the way we interact with the digital world. 📵🌿

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