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From: Brett J.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 9:59 PM

Just a quick email to let you know about the DEEP and PROFOUND AWAKENING that awaits you in our NEW 5 WEEK MEDITATION SERIES coming this September.

If you have never taken our meditation class series then I urge you to do whatever it takes to come!

Have you been thinking that you need to start meditating?

If you have been meditating, are you ready to take your current meditation practice to the next level?

Now is your opportunity.....


~ Meditation & Manifestation: The secret behind ?The Secret? ~

This new 5 week series, created for both beginner and experienced meditators, will powerfully deepen your connection to presence and transform all aspects of your life.

If you have taken one of our classes before, you already know how profound and life changing deepening your meditation practice can be, and I welcome you to take the next step toward advancing your awakening.

Throughout the five-week course, you will learn and practice 8 new meditation techniques, along with an in-depth exploration on how to combine regular meditation with practices of intention in order to awaken and powerfully transform your life

In this Series you will experience how Awakening will help you:

? Create inner peace and enhance well-being
? Increase your energy, focus and concentration
? Experience life in ?The Zone? and start living with aliveness and purpose

When: 7:00 ? 9:00 PM, Mondays, Sept 10th ? Oct 8th

Where: San Jose Center for Spiritual Living, 1195 Clark St, San Jose, CA 95125

Tutition: $95 (Satisfaction Guranteed)

Because the event is happening very soon, register today at

or call[masked] with any questions.

Here's what others have said about past sessions:

"Meditation was new for me. As a result of this course I'm experiencing a stronger sense of well being, security and a deeper connection to spirit. I enjoy meditating so much now I'm doing it most every day. " ~Chris S., San Jose

"Wow! Learning to meditate has really helped me make a powerful shift from doing to just being. I can now clearly listen to the wisdom within and I'm feeling more peace and freedom in my life. The course brought everything I ever learned about meditation to life." ~Beth H, San Jose

"I have been meditating since 1970. This class is the most effective one I have ever taken. The class gave me the keys to live from my spiritual essence and be easy on myself in the process. Every day I am feeling more of the love, joy and peace I was always looking for. I can't say enough about this class. "~ Davie Pfaffle, author

"I've studied Zen and other forms of meditation for over 10 years. This class was the missing piece. It beautifully integrated all the esoteric teachings and brought them into perspective. I finally know what I'm doing and why." J. L. San Jose

"Out beyond ideas of right and wrong, there is a field. I'll meet you there." ~ Rumi

We look forward to meeting you "there".


Brett Jennings

Facilitated by: Brett Jennings & Greg DeVries

Brett Jennings

Brett Jennings is the co-founder and contributing author of and the founder and host of the San Jose Meditation Meetup ( ). Brett personally trained and worked with both Anthony Robbins and Dr. Deepak Chopra and has been teaching meditation and stress management strategies on behalf of the Chopra Center for Well Being since 1999. His in depth study and pursuit of meditation led him on several trips around the world to study with both well known and esoteric masters. He has been practicing and teaching meditation for over 14 years. His warm and enthusiastic approach to meditation makes your learning experience fun and enjoyable.

Greg de Vries

Greg de Vries is the founder and webmaster of My Meditation Coach and Meditation Review. Greg has been using creative visualization, self-hypnosis, mindfulness and meditation to create his life since 1992. Greg?s first company, DeVries Data Systems Inc, was recognized as the 35th fastest growing company in North America, with 7,340% revenue growth for the period of 1994 to 1998. His company was also listed as the 3rd fastest growing company in Silicon Valley for three years in a row during that same period.

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