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Reminder: Deeksha tonight!

From: Greg de V.
Sent on: Thursday, September 6, 2007, 10:30 AM

SPECIAL EVENT TONIGHT: Awakening to Oneness

Join us for an enlightening evening as we learn about and experience a powerful spiritual modality for awakening to our unlimited nature. Learn from our special guest as we discuss and experience firsthand the powerful and transformative effects of Deeksha, also known as the Oneness Blessing.

What is Deeksha?

You have likely heard about Reiki, transmission energy for healing the body. Deeksha is similar yet different. Deeksha is a transfer of Divine energy that has been proven to bring balance in the activity of the two hemispheres of the brain, leading to a subtle flowering of the heart. This brings a shift in perception, and one realizes the sense of a separate self is an illusion.

Oneness Deeksha is not a concept or philosophy, but an experience of Oneness with all creation.

Come experience what many well known teachers, leaders and emissary’s are raving about...

Oneness Deeksha helps to:

·        Effortlessly slip into deep states of meditation

·        Re-pattern negative life programming to experience more aliveness and joy

·        Release traumas that have been stored at the cellular and energetic levels \

·        Facilitate deep emotional & physical healing

·        Bring healing to your relationships

·        As the sense of separation leaves, one feels a deeper connection with all that is.

Event Fee: $20.00 per person (no one turned away)

Time: regular meetup begins at 6:30pm, Deeksha begins at 7pm.

For more details visit

**** ALSO!!!!!  *****

Only a couple of days left to sign up for the Meditation Class beginning September 10th.  Please visit for more details.  This class is almost full – don’t wait, register now.





“When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, the World will know Peace” -- Jimi Hendrix 


Greg de Vries

Meditation Coach

& Webmaster

(408) [masked]


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