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What we’re about

This group is for people who would like to learn self mastery.

Find the peace within you, return to inner peace, practically, by learning to focus the energy of thinking in directions that create and sustain the experience of peace, love and happiness.

Inner power develops by connecting with your inner peace and the Source of peace. With practice, you strengthen this connection and develop self-mastery in thought, word and action. Through self-mastery you can experience more peace, acceptance and happiness every day, in all your various roles and responsibilities.

The meditation we practice is called “Raja Yoga meditation”. Raja Yoga means yoga to become a king – a master over yourself. The aim of Raja Yoga is to discipline the mind, sharpen the intellect and to have full control over the bodily senses. Raja Yoga meditation is practiced with the eyes open and can be practiced anywhere at any time which allows us to move the benefits into our practical life as we face people and situations with a calm and stable presence. 

In Raja Yoga, there are no postures, mantras or breathing exercises. The practitioner sits quietly, brings the attention and connects with the inner source of peace, love, joy and wisdom by using thoughts. 

Benefits of RajaYoga meditation:

- A better sense of the self.

- Lower levels of stress.

- Improved relationships.

- Clear thinking and concentration.

Join us for Inner Space, drop in guided meditation sessions and meditation courses. All of these are offered free of charge.

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